But what is the filter in the first chamber for? Remember that the sump is gravity feed. Meaning the water in the tank goes in the sump via gravity(overflow) and is pumped(returned) back to the tank. Which fills your display back up. Basically just one big circle. Remember in a perfect world, you want get about 10x turnover rate. Meaning that if you have a 36 gallon tank, you want your return pump to be no less then 360 gph(gallons per hour). Also, add in the size of you sump. (ie 10 gallons) Add that water capacity, that will give you a total capacity of 46 gallons and multiply by 10. Which equals 460 gallons per hour. Then subtract about 7-10% of your pump size for loss in pump flow equals 46. With now a turnover rate of 424 gph. You should be ok with a pump of about 500 gph per hour. Always go with a larger pump and add adjustable flow rate valve and turn it down.
In regards to the design of your diagram. Remember that the return pump should be in the last chamber of the sump. You'll find alot of diagrams here, just remember "keep it simple"
To build one here's your shopping list:
glass tank about 40.00
cut glass for the dividing compartments in the sump about 20.00
aquarium grade silicon.5.00
IMO back the main section as big as possible. To fit heater, live rock rubble, sand, chaeto, etc.
If need more help just ask.