Sump question


I have never had a sump before.
I have a 36g bow tank.
I was just wondering what is the main purpose of a sump and how to set one up.
If you don't have the time to explain how to set one up its fine lol
After reading so many post i was thinking about hooking one up, but i know nothing about them.


Active Member
OK, there are several purposes of a sump.
First is that it adds water volume to your system. More volume=more stability.
Second (some would put this first) is that you put much of that unsightly equipment in it where it is out of sight (skimmers, heaters, filters, ect) so your tank is less cluttered looking and more room for inhabitants.
Third is many add a refugium to the sump where there is added LR, LS for biofiltration and lots of macroalgae for added filtration and CO2 removal.
Finally (my favorite reason) is that it is something else to tinker with and build!!

As for how to set one up, there are DOZENS of how-to threads in this board. Try using the search feature and you will find more than you could ever hope for. There are many different ways to set one up so find what may work for you and go for it!
Hope this helps!


Ok, lol
As of now i am running a seacolone 100 skimmer, and an eheim canister filter. What would be some of the materials needed to be able to build the sump. What i mean is, would i totally not use my filter any more, or use the filter out put as the sumps input pump, and then get another pump to pump the water back in?
Thanks again for all advice


Active Member
That is the basic idea.
What type of in-sump filter is that?
Also, as memory serves, Seaclones (on top of being near worthless skimmers) are not designed for in-sump use.


Originally Posted by TheGrog
That is the basic idea.
What type of in-sump filter is that?
Also, as memory serves, Seaclones (on top of being near worthless skimmers) are not designed for in-sump use.
Well lol its a canister filter which i figured i could section off and still have flow into the next section. As for my skimmer, dont remind me lol
, but on the box it says for in sump use. so i figured why not.
Anyway yea, its kind of a rough diagram, do you see anything that needs to be changed or modified?
thanks again


Active Member
What kind of canister is that? I have a fluval 305, I didn't think of doing anything like that. Im in the process of doing one myself. Would this work with the canister?


But what is the filter in the first chamber for? Remember that the sump is gravity feed. Meaning the water in the tank goes in the sump via gravity(overflow) and is pumped(returned) back to the tank. Which fills your display back up. Basically just one big circle. Remember in a perfect world, you want get about 10x turnover rate. Meaning that if you have a 36 gallon tank, you want your return pump to be no less then 360 gph(gallons per hour). Also, add in the size of you sump. (ie 10 gallons) Add that water capacity, that will give you a total capacity of 46 gallons and multiply by 10. Which equals 460 gallons per hour. Then subtract about 7-10% of your pump size for loss in pump flow equals 46. With now a turnover rate of 424 gph. You should be ok with a pump of about 500 gph per hour. Always go with a larger pump and add adjustable flow rate valve and turn it down.
In regards to the design of your diagram. Remember that the return pump should be in the last chamber of the sump. You'll find alot of diagrams here, just remember "keep it simple"
To build one here's your shopping list:
glass tank about 40.00
cut glass for the dividing compartments in the sump about 20.00
aquarium grade silicon.5.00
IMO back the main section as big as possible. To fit heater, live rock rubble, sand, chaeto, etc.
If need more help just ask.


Active Member
I have a 46 Bow and have a 10 gallon tank I will be useing fro the refuge. I have a HOB protein skimmer I would like to be inside the refuge, heater, and I will be getting LR and Sand. Do you have a "simple" sketch of what I could do? I just bought a sheet of acyrlic and silicone. I will be geting a overflow but Im debating what company. Any help is GREATLY appreciated.


so should I use an overflow box instead of the filter in the first section? I figured I already had the filter so why not put it to use.


...Also is my design set up right in regards to sectional compartments and basic idea, is it do-able?


Active Member
Befofre or after you look at CPR check out Lifereef's overflow. They are suppose to be A LOT better. If you call the company and speak to the owner (he answers the phone, weird right) he will tell you he loves CPR because everyone replaces the CPR with the Lifereef. Check it out.


I will check that out
Also if anyone could post pics of their set-up that would be great.
Thanks everyone
I am very interested in this post ,I would like to use this same sump and over flow. any pic on setup or where to find just found this.