sump question


Active Member
Unplug the pump and see how much the sump fills up from the backflow. If it gets close to overflowing, then you have it set up incorrectly.
To find out how much water the system should hold, do what I said above and then mark a line on the sump where the water level is when its done backflowing. Then plug the pump back in and put some more water into the tank.
Keep doing this until you get a nice level where the sump wont overflow if the power goes out. Mark this line and just do topoffs to that level.
Or you can build your own automated topoff system for under $100. You will have to find somewhere to store the water for the topoffs though, and that is why I dont have one.


Active Member
Originally Posted by mudplayerx
Or you can build your own automated topoff system for under $100. You will have to find somewhere to store the water for the topoffs though
Do this, and you won't have to worry about it anymore. But for now, mudplayerx is right, just unplug the pump and see how high the water rises in the sump. Add a little water at the time until you have it as high as you want it, without overflowing.


Active Member
Originally Posted by coralreefer
is it necessary to add extra water when you turn the pump of or is it just for extra water volume?
You add the extra water after the pump is on and the sump level is back to normal. You only do this when trying to find out how much water the sump can hold without overflowing.
Then you turn the pump off and let the sump overfill to see how close you can get it to the top without overflowing. I hope I am making sense.