sump question


what is a good adhesive to use for plexi glass. I am going to add a chamber to my sump to convert it to a fuge. What should i use that will be safe?


Weld-on is professional acrylic bonding agent. And yes it reef safe. I made a fish trap using it and its in my tank right now. Trust me silicone is not the same. Weld-on is a chemical that makes the two acrylic peices one. This is not a glue.

al mc

Active Member
Originally Posted by Bulldog123
Weld-on is professional acrylic bonding agent. And yes it reef safe. I made a fish trap using it and its in my tank right now. Trust me silicone is not the same. Weld-on is a chemical that makes the two acrylic peices one. This is not a glue.
I agree. If you are using true acrylic, then the Weldon brand of products is the best. I have built several sump/refugiums with multiple compartments. Use Weldon #3 (thin as water) to 'melt' the acrylic together and Weldon #16 (thick as model glue) to make a small seam to guard against leaks.
Completely reef safe. The #3 will strongly bond two pieces of acrylic in 15-20 seconds!


Thanks Guys,
Will it work for plexi glass? And can i buy it on line? or from I cant find it locally


Online from any acrylic supplier. Did you find the Texas reefer? He explains the different on and how to us it. Acrylic isnt something you just run through the tablesaw and glue it. I would do a little research(maybe I already told you this
Im getting old) unless you want a floor full of water. I could be wrong first time for everything.