sump question


Active Member
What would be the point of doing so? The purpose of the sump is for filtration, added water volume and a place for pods to grow without being eaten.
You can -- but I just argue the point of doing so.


So bad idea than? Its cause my domino damsels are real mean so i figured i could just leave them in there. So what can be the negative part of me doing this?


Active Member
It's not bad to keep them seperated from being mean... it's just the idea of a sump for purely filtration and a place for pods to grow. To add just for the sake of adding (which you're not doing) is adding unnecessary bioload to your system that isn't normally viewed.


Active Member
More than likely too small and stressful perhaps (with little to no light).
Plus, as stated, a sump is just for extra water and propogation of copepods. However, you should never run a sump too high, because then when the power goes out, you will flood your floor.
Further, the pump in the sump may stress the damsels as well.


Active Member
In my sumps the "middle" section is probably at least 10g and would house a damsel.. I just wouldn't do it on purpose. I do keep an extra large hermit crap that took down a turbo snail in mine though.