Sump question


What kind/brand of sump would you recommend for my setup (see sig.)
I am having a hard time finding any information at the lfs on what sump I should use and how to set one up.:confused:
My fish all seem to be doing well with the setup I have. Just wondering if a sump is the way to go or, if its not broke, don't fix it.
Your comments and advice are always appreciated.


New Member
IMO sumps are fun. Another toy you can fiddle with and there are ways to justify the cost to yourself, and your fish, and your wife (or girlfreind) :)
I would be happy to give my opinion on the size, makeup and manufature of your future sump, but would need all the details of your current tank setup and livestock.
Be good,


New Member
doh sorry, I just reread and saw your specs....
You have 130 lbs of Crushed Coral in a 72G tank? I dont understand. Is it a DSB? or just alot of crushed coral?
IMO one of the biggest bonuses of having a sump is being able to hide almost everything you have on the main tank. You will still have power heads and cords, and an overflow (if tank is not drilled) but everything else is hidden in the sump. Other benifits include a place to assist on water changes, dosing, wet/dry, refugium, gas exchange, more water volume, and more.
Are you a handy man with alot of tools? If so then build your own, you can buy acrylic, or a rubermaid tub, or a glass tank... come up with a plan and constuct it your self.
If you are not a handy man then buy one (Im at the stage of buying them now, but want to learn how to build them)
I'll continue with brands, size, things to look for etc, if you are interested...
Take care,


Thanks for the reply! The 130 pounds of CC is compliments of the lfs. Convinced me that was the best way to go. I made the mistake of finding this site after I had set up my tank:( The lfs did get 13.00 per 10# bag of CC from me though so the individual may have recieved employee of the month just on my sale. :mad: Oh well I live and learn with the limited amount of knowledge my melon can provide after an extreme college adventure ( until last year I thought I graduated from "Jack Daniels University":D )
Back to the Fish side of things
Last night when I posted my message I made the worst mistake to date with the tank. I went to the Computer before I looked at the tank :eek: I know, I know There are probably alot of people out there that will call me a bad father, but heh like I said before, Lots of Jack, very little melon;)
I purchased some Banggai Cardinal's about a week ago, And instead of doing what everyone suggest and setup a qt. I just dump them on in. Well I don't know what part of the coral these fish hung around back at the reef, but they floated yesterday, my pj cardinals have ick, my royal is nowhere to be found, my clowns keep running into the lr, one of my camel shrimp was stuck in the intake to the Bak Pak and the damsels have never been happier (go figure) Live and learn.
So needless to say I am heading to the lfs to buy the 50 dollars of equipment to try and save the 130 dollars of fish I still have(as of this morning) and try to salvage what is left of my livestock.
I am still interested in the sump, but maybe in a month or two once I get the banggai syndrome out of the tank.
Thanks again for the reply


It looks like your tank is very similar to mine.
See this picture how I have built my sump (and refugium in progress). I have an overblow box, a 15 gl glass tank (with plexiglass dividers custom-made), a flexible hose, the heater is in the sump, the protein skimmer and I have a CAP 2200 return.
Sorry to hear about your fish.


overflow, overblow, whatever, I knew what you meant.:D
And tanks for the kind words about the fish. The Banggai's are the primary reason I jumped into this hobby. Can I get your e-mail and ask you more about your sump. I would appreciate it.
Shrade I hope that when you say LFS you are talking about the one 117 miles away because if you are getting your stuff from our buddies at (I know this is a bad word but I have to say it) ***** then I think they are just trying to make a buck. I hope you get this thing with the cards under control. If you need you can go across the street and use my ten gallon tank as a qt it is as dead as can be for LR but you can medicate all day long.


Actually the banggai's that I bought were from Issaquah. I bought the last they had.
One thing I have to say about our LFS "*****" is, all the fish that I have purchased from them were healthy until I introduced the Banggai's.
Now I have 4 more comming in on thursday and I have no place to put them. I might take you up on the QT.
I should be if not there will be someone here. It is right in the front. Like I said it is not pretty at all but it can be medicated.


OceanJumper and Shrade,
Your tanks sound very similar to mine. Can you post pictures or post a link of some pictures of your tanks. I like to see fellow 72g bowfronts. Once I get mine off the ground again, recently changed from CC to oolite DSB., I will post some pictures as well.