Sump Questions


Hello, I am trying to get all of my equipment set up before I get any more fish and definately before I get coral. I am not going to do a diy sump (don't have time or the means). I am trying to find cheaper equipment to make a sump that won't leak. Reccomendations would be great! Here are two pieces I have found and am wondering if they are any good.
Multiple outflow ecological flitration
The package includes:
* Two individual lids with two round openings; one of them fits with 1" bulkhead fittting
* Two chambers divided
* Two layers grid for holding filter medias
* One high divider & one low divider
* One molded container w/ no drain access
"GENMOES" <--Could that be the brand?
and then...
Detailed Description
- Fits with 1" bulk head fitting
- Comes with adjusting nylon screws and a screen for the inlet opening
- Runs and flows 600gph from fish tank down to a sump, wet/dry filter, or refugium
Would these two work together? I guess I would need a 600gph pump to pump water back to tank without I correct? What I do not understand is the plumbing of it. Any help and/or advice would be great!