Sump questions??

blenny boy

New Member
I am up grading my system to have a 30 g sump with my 30 g tank... guy at the fish store sold me a mag drive 7 pump and suggested I submerge it directly into my sump tank...
3 questions
1. will submerging the pump greatly impact the tank temp?
2. is 700 gph pump too much for my system?
3. could I simply use a strong powerhead (like the aquaclear 802) as my return pump - this would certainly add less temp to the tank

green mariner

New Member
  • With a MAG pump it should not.
  • The MAG is not a very strong pump, depending on head pressure
    No, PH don't have enough head pressure to get the return back up to the tank.
[ August 17, 2001: Message edited by: Green Mariner ]

blenny boy

New Member
thanks for the information...
checking in archieved threads there seems to be some debate re the heat that comes off of mag pumps... any more thoughts?