sump questions


I think the one of the main purposes of baffles in the sump are to prevent bubbles. I'll try and draw you a picture, but all you have to do is look at any commercially made sump.


my baffles are all the same height. 10" and the water in my sump/refuge is 10 in so that it can flow over each baffle, except in the last compartment where the pump is of course. i have one "bubble trap" where I put one 10" peice of glass flush on the bottom of the fuge and the next piece of glass an inch off the bottom and then the next piece of glass right on the bottom again. This makes the water travel over then under and then over again which help eliminate bubbles.


Active Member
here is how im planning to do it. the reason the only baffles are the bubble trap ones is because im on a tight budget:


I would move the 2nd and 3 baffle to the other side and then you can have a fuge! Alot of people only use 2 baffles for thier bubble trap and you dont need a bubble trap again before the pump because there is nothing in a fuge making bubbles. You just need something to keep the sand from getting sucked up by your return pump


o but if you do move them, make that second one touch the bottom and the third one raised, other wise you will blow the sand all ever the place