sump refugium question


Could I simply place some caulerpera or macro algae in my sump, with a flourescent light or do I actually have to use a seperate unit to be used as the refugium? Also, what kind of light would I need? 40 watt flourescent ok?


Active Member
If your flow is low enough, yes. But make sure it doesn't get to your pump.
Thats why a baffle is nice.
40 watt bulb is good if your sump is shallow. I have a 55 gallon sump and 2- 40 watters wouldn't cut it. Now I use a 96 watt PC.


Active Member
Yes, you could do this, but to prevent the caulerpa from being sucked up by the pump, you would need to add a baffle. After adding the baffle you may consider adding a DSB. After doing all of this you may have wished that you just got a seperate tank for a fuge. I love looking at my fuge. There are tons of pods, bristles and shrimps and I could stare at it all day long. I don't though; I look at it at night when the displays lights are out.
Is there any room next to your sump?:thinking:


Active Member
DBURR beat me to it, Damn.
There is also a $35 Lights of America fixture that works well for fuges. It's 65w, and gives great growth. They do burn out often though.


Yes, there is some room for me to work down there. I suppose, I just rework the plumbing to get some water flow in there. I need to search the web and find some pics to see how people have rigged them up. Thanks too the both of you. Very informative. Who would have thought when I woke up this morning, I would learn something. Thanks again.