Sump/refugium question


I have a new 55 gal tank - my intentions are to eventually set it up as a reef. I'd like to go with a sump/refugium. What size is recommended? How many sections are in a sump/refugium? Which gets LS, heater, sump?
In other words, can someone explain the size I need, and how to set one up?


Active Member
IMO, the size of a sump does not depend on the size of your tank. The size of your sump depends on how much room you have! The bigger the better. Mke one as big as possible.
Heater and such can go anywhere
live sand, live rock, plants, go in the refugium area
here is a plan of one that i am planning on setting up
It's an old picture before i made some modifications to the way water will be transported form a box to a drilled tank. But the sump/fuge design is the same


Hey spencka!!
I'm currently settings up a 75gal system with a 30 gal sump/fuge. fishieness is right....the bigger, definately the better!!
First of all, you MUST
read DIY plumbing. Its a sticky thread in the DIY section of these message boards.
This has a lot of important information that you will be happy to have.
In general a sump/fuge will have 3 chambers. Refuge (algae, sand bed, live rock, etc), Sump Area(skimmer, heaters, etc), and Return chamber (return pump).
Here is a pic of the setup I am working on. As I am working through it, some measurements have changed slightly. This is a very common type of setup.


is there a reason why people split the flow to go to 2 sides of a sump rather than just going from one end to the other?.... just for lower flow through the fuge part...?
BTW, how deep do you like the skimmer part of the sump... I like mine only about 6 inches so the skimmer can sit on the bottom of the sump... Is the deeper for a hang-on type skimmer?


Active Member
yes, the refugium area does better with a smaller flow rate. This is why there are two separate tubes that travel down into the sump.
im not 100% sure about what you mean about the skimmer. But let me knokw if this isnt what you are asking. Yes, if the skimmer is completely submerged it wont work properly. The deeper ones can be used as a HOB model. Or also many people will put a cinder block, a shelf, or a wooden box, something to hold the skimmer up to the right place.


Shoiman, based on your "sketch", is yor 75 drilled? I'm guessing it is based on the bulkhead fittings.
Thanks to everyone thats' responded!


Originally Posted by fishieness
this depends both on the size of your tank, but most of all, personal preference

i am setting up a 125 gallon tank with a 39 tank for my filtration.
Give me some ideal. 75/25 50/50 25/75


Active Member
Originally Posted by sammiefish
is there a reason why people split the flow to go to 2 sides of a sump rather than just going from one end to the other?.... just for lower flow through the fuge part...?
BTW, how deep do you like the skimmer part of the sump... I like mine only about 6 inches so the skimmer can sit on the bottom of the sump... Is the deeper for a hang-on type skimmer?
Your going to want to set the height of the skimmer part depending upon the depth your skimmer manufacturer suggests. I use euroreef they suggest 6-8inches of water so I built the wall at 7.
Shoimen I would suggest doing 3 baffles 2 inches apart on your skimmer side, the reason being it allows the microbubbles a chance to workout in the baffle and not be pumped back up to your show tank.