Sump/Refugium Set-up help

I can't wait to set-up my sw tank. It's a 30 gal. I'm still researching before going out and buying stuff. I just ant to know how to set up a sump and/or refugium. And what I need to buy for them.

bang guy

Your best bet is to spend a little extra for a Reef-Ready tank. This type of tank will have a built-in overflow and is very easy to setup with a sump.
The tank I plan to use for the sw set-up is 30 gal. I also have a 20 gal tank that is currently being used for fw. If i get rid of the fw fish, could I use the 20 gal tank as a sump. And if yes howwould I do it. I dont even know what has to be done and what i need????

bang guy

You will need a quality overflow box, an internal water pump, and plumbing.
Basically the pump sits in the sump and pushes water up to the tank. The tank overflows into the overflow box and the water cascades down to the sump, etc, etc. The sump can house all your heaters, dosers and skimmer.
Draw it on paper and then come back with questions.
FYI - I use an external pump but my sump is drilled for it. External pumps don't add as much heat to the water but they have more failure points.

bang guy

Yes, the overflow will hang on the tank. It will have a box inside the tank and hang over to a box outside which leads to the sump/Refugium.
The plumbing size depends on the pump, just match the output.
I don't use hang-on overflows anymore. Ask that specific question in another thread and see if anyone will recommend a quiet one, or a modification to make one quiet.