Sump/refugium setup


Would anyone in the Raleigh area be interested in a 20L custom sump with baffles and a 20H refugium which is drilled to at the top to drain to the 20L?
My whole setup is going and I would be willing to let all this go for $50.00.
My refugium has approx 10lbs of LR and 1.5 inches of livesand. Tons of caulerpa(sp) and some other macros too. Tons of worms and critters are in the fuge.
As anyone would know, the rock alone cost more than 50 dollars. You get everything.


New Member
I am defintely interested and I also live in the Raliegh area so please email me at and we can set something up. Also if you have any pics I would love to see them but not too important I can see it when I come to pick it up. Thanks!


New Member
I sent you another email but just incase you didn't get I 'll leave another post. I can come get it any time that is good for you . Any time after 1:00 tomorrow is fine with me . Email is Thanks!