
I've been looking on this site for a week looking at sump/refug designs now I've finally figured out what I want to do. I got a 28 gal. rubbermaid and its 34" long so I'm going to divide it up into 3 sections. My question is how many inches do I make the baffles and the 2 sides of the fuge and does it matter how you place the stuff, I've seen some with the fuge in the middle and some with it on the end is there a certain way you place them. and also can I just use 100% silicone to put the baffles in place. I plan on using the pump from my wet/dry for now its a cap 2200 wouls that be ok. how much sand for the fuge.


Well-Known Member
I has a problem with baffels sticking to the sides of my plastic rubbermaid refugium. I used silicone sealant and it didn't stick. Finally made an input box from home depot plexiglass glued toghter with plastic glue. then i just used a powerhead and input filter laid sideways on the sand at the other end.
3-5 inches of sand.
Placement of things is probably not all that critical. The main thing is to get the water flowing through all sections.


Bob, I have done similar with my plastic sumps. Instead of an input box though I use what I will call a 'pump' box. Basically the flow comes into the sump from the tank and then in the corner I have a plastic tupperwear type container thats about 6 inches square with notches cut into it like an overflow box.
I used 1/4 nylon bolts to secure it to the side of the rubbermade container with a bit of silicon to seal it on the inside, and epoxy to seal it on the outside.
The pump then sits in this box and the water flows from the sump into the box. Similar idea as baffels, just a different appraoch.