Sump Return Pump


Active Member
that is what I use but mine is bigger rated for 800 GPH my return pump is a mag 9.5 (950 PGH) I have the return pump throttled back just a little less than 1/4 way with no problems. And the adjustment is for setting the water level in the DT not for increasing floe it can only return as fast as the pump can pump


Active Member
Originally Posted by DJCanis
So put a T on my return line with on going to the DT and one going back to the sump with a valve... That could work theoritically...
You would need a ball valve on both to get controll of how much goes to the DT and how much goes back to the sump

florida joe

Well-Known Member
You absolutely do make sense my mistake was in assuming his 90 gallon was a drilled tank I would not want to restrict anything going back to the sump


Active Member
Originally Posted by florida joe
You absolutely do make sense my mistake was in assuming his 90 gallon was a drilled tank I would not want to restrict anything going back to the sump
You mean I finally got my point made. Man this has to be a first


Cool, my return pump is not a variable speed, I cant adjust it, I just get 500gph. My sump is not a true sump in the sense that there is no LR or anything. Its not partitioned, its a 30 gal tank, the overflow dumps into the back left corner, I have my skimmer in there, a hang on filter running carbon and phosguard bag and then going to my return pump... I figure with 140lbs of LR and 95 of sand in the tank I dont really need more in the sump, but it is a work in progress, waiting to get the glass panels so I can put in partitions and was gonna put abotu 15lbs of LR and some Chaeto in there...
I have a ball valve on the 2" PVC running from the overflow to the sump, but I have it full open...
I am gonna try the T in the return with 1 going to the DT and one feeding back into the sump... That seems like it might work, just gonna have to tweak the valves to get it consistant.


Active Member
Originally Posted by DJCanis
Cool, my return pump is not a variable speed, I cant adjust it, I just get 500gph. My sump is not a true sump in the sense that there is no LR or anything. Its not partitioned, its a 30 gal tank, the overflow dumps into the back left corner, I have my skimmer in there, a hang on filter running carbon and phosguard bag and then going to my return pump... I figure with 140lbs of LR and 95 of sand in the tank I dont really need more in the sump, but it is a work in progress, waiting to get the glass panels so I can put in partitions and was gonna put abotu 15lbs of LR and some Chaeto in there...
I have a ball valve on the 2" PVC running from the overflow to the sump, but I have it full open...
I am gonna try the T in the return with 1 going to the DT and one feeding back into the sump... That seems like it might work, just gonna have to tweak the valves to get it consistant.
Sound like a plan and what you described is a sump just no refugium in it. Also once you do that you will have to watch the Utube in the overflow make sure you dont get bubble in there. If you do just increse the flow going to the DT


I do have an air pocket in the U tube in the overflow box, I can get rid of it... Any suggestions? It sits right at the top of the upside U.


Active Member
Originally Posted by DJCanis
I do have an air pocket in the U tube in the overflow box, I can get rid of it... Any suggestions? It sits right at the top of the upside U.
Dude this changes everything. That is what is causing your problem shake the tube around intill the bubbles go away. Always remember the bigger the bubble the less water can get by it witch means the less the overflow can dump back to the sump. Thats telling me you dont have a big enough pump to push the bubbles out of the utube. To be honest with you might be cheaper and better to get your tank drilled. If not just pay attention to the tube and you will be ok.


There is no pump, its in thhe syphon tube in the overflow, its about the size of a nickle or so, I have tried to move the tube, I even tride to put some air tube in there and suck the air out, but cant get rid of the last little bit.
I think drilling the tank isnt much of an option at this point.
What about getting a sencond matching pump (the 500gph I use as a return) and using that instead of the overflow? Just have the pump, pumping out tank water to the sump...


Active Member
The 2 pump idea is a bad idea. Now what I ment buy a bigger pump is the return pump. It pushes the water for the tube to syphon out. So what is happening is the tube is not being able to Syphon enough water to blow the bubbles out the other end so they are getting traped in the middle. Just take 2 fingers. 1 finger on each side of the tube and and tap the tube really fast back and forth between your fingers. You will see the bubble start to move to the back of the tube the faster you do it the further it will go intinn it goes out the back of the tube.


Sweet, I will have to try that later... I know it wont solve everything, but it should help...
Thanks for all the help! It is greatly appreciated.
In my opinion a siphon over flow worries me. I dont want it to break siphon or anything. So i went to and bought an overflow kit. Its quite easy and it comes with everything you need to drill your tank. I have seen ppl do it while the tank is full of water....... Now i wouldn't do it but you know. They are cheap and a great solution. The ppl who make them are very nice. My over flow was drilled off center, so the sent me a new one. I have suggested this to many ppl and they have all loved it. If you need any other help with glass just pm me. Good luck.