sump setup questions plz help!!



ive got a 90 gal setup without pre-drilled holes for overflow boxes. id like to add a sump for added water volume and for a place to hide heaters and such.
how do you plumb for a sump without overflows??? i can't seem to figure out how to get the water out of the tank, down to a sump and back to the tank without the pre-drilled holes for the overflow boxes. im not going to drill the holes myself.
if anyone can explain in detail how to do this and what equipment would be best to do it i would greatly appreciate it.
thank a million.


Active Member
You need a HOB overflow box, they use a siphon to pull water over the side of the aquarium. I highly reccomend you use a U-tube style overflow instead of the "CPR" style overflows which are not very reliable.


if you siphon the water out with an external overflow, how do you know the flowrate for return waterflow back to the tank???? are u using PVC or airline tubing for the siphoning process???
ive also heard these external overflows don't come with directions....


Active Member
They dont come with instructions
but get the utube type. I am setting mine up mine is a cpr and I and starting to loose my faith in it and I will most likely toss it a get a utube. To start the syphon you have to stick some airtube into the utube and suck the air out once water starts to flow stop sucking or you will get a mouth full of saltwater


thanks for the replies so far. eshopps list a overflow box in a magazine i have. the one id use is a single bulkhead with a reported 800gph flowrate. i didn't know a siphon and gravity could pull that much water???
am i to believe a return pump should push 800gph back into the tank to match the overflow box???


Active Member
Yes you want to select a pump the can send aprx 70-100% of the overflows rated capacity after you subtract your headloss. If you select a pump that is too small it doesn't have a high enough flowrate to push any air bubbles that get trapped in the U-tube all the way through and eventually they will accumulate and slow the siphon causing your DT to flood. For that particluar overflow look at a quiet one 4000 or mag 9.5 for return pumps both are very good.


thanks again for the prompt responses. this site is a life saver to those who need the information for success that you cant get from a catalog.


i almost forgot to ask....any ideas on a quality brand overflox box??
ive seen eshopps brand and toms aquatics. one is half the price of the other.
then you have CPR....which i read nothing but nothing but siphon problems leading to flooding...


I will suggest you get on sleaze bay and get a bit to drill your overflow.... I was in the same situation as you and my option was a weir..... This guy is awesome and gives full instruction on how to build your own weir:
I will give you this caution though, weirs work when kept clean. They need to be kept clean because algea grows in them and causes the water flow to slow down which can and will cause an overflow. Save yourself the heartache and go ahead and drill it, it's easy than it seems to drill glass all you need is the diamond bit, plumbers puddy, water, a drill, and a steady hand along with patience.


Active Member
The brand doesn't really mater as long as you go with U-tube style overflow they are all built pretty much the same just go with what you can afford. The CPR like I stated and you have read are not nearly as reliable.
Drilling your tank is probably the best solution but you risk breaking your tank so the choice is yours. I do know the next tank I set-up will be drilled no matter what but this has more to do with having a bunch of stuff hanging off the side of my tank than reliability.


Originally Posted by natclanwy
The brand doesn't really mater as long as you go with U-tube style overflow they are all built pretty much the same just go with what you can afford. The CPR like I stated and you have read are not nearly as reliable.
Drilling your tank is probably the best solution but you risk breaking your tank so the choice is yours. I do know the next tank I set-up will be drilled no matter what but this has more to do with having a bunch of stuff hanging off the side of my tank than reliability.
did you use PVC from your overflow box to sump??


Active Member
I am using a combination of pvc and vinyl hose from the box to my sump, but you can use all vinyl if you would like.


I have drilled all of my tanks. I have even drilled some for friends. I have never broke a tank. I failed to read the part about the tank being setup already... Maybe a hob is best for you?