hello all,
I am to the point where I want to pull out my wet/dry w/bioballs and replace it with a sump refugium set up. Do I just unhook one and hook up the other?
I would like to use the live sand and some of the live rock from my 24g nano in my sump. Is this a good idea? I plan on using a 33 or 40 long as the sump because I want to have enough room for a refugium after I section off 20" for my skimmer (RC80). I have thought of doing a custom sump from acrylic but the manuf tanks are cheaper. And I will have to pop a hole in the side of my stand anyway, so why not go with a long tank. Am I all wet?
I am to the point where I want to pull out my wet/dry w/bioballs and replace it with a sump refugium set up. Do I just unhook one and hook up the other?
I would like to use the live sand and some of the live rock from my 24g nano in my sump. Is this a good idea? I plan on using a 33 or 40 long as the sump because I want to have enough room for a refugium after I section off 20" for my skimmer (RC80). I have thought of doing a custom sump from acrylic but the manuf tanks are cheaper. And I will have to pop a hole in the side of my stand anyway, so why not go with a long tank. Am I all wet?