

my parents are getting like a 110-200ga tank within the next 6months to a year, what is a sump? what does it do? and how do i buy/biuld one? would i need one for a 29 or a 55ga tank?:help: :help:


That is kind of up to you IMO. a 29 gallon tank is going to be far less stable then a bigger system. Adding a sump would indeed make your system more stable, and you wouldn't cludder up your tank with as much equipment. But its completly up to you. good luck! :happy:


tizzo or other,
i checked the thread attached with this one and i am still a little uncertain about sump. does a sump accompany a wet/dry or is it a sep. set up?


Several things you can do under a main tank, or even next to it.
You can have a plain ole sump, you can have a wet/dry, you can have a refugium, you can do severel combinations if you like. A wet/dry basically has a bio ball chamber where arobic bacteria are housed on the bio balls, from there it enters a sump area of the wet/dry. Wet is the sump area, dry is the bio ball area.
I have a main tank that drains to both a sump and a refugium, the sump used to be a wet/dry, so I've used all three in combination before. I just converted the wet/dry into a sump by taking out the bio balls.


thanks, i think i got it now. i am planning on setting up a 90gal tank fowlr and eventually some soft corals any suggestions on what would work best for that type of setup?