
reef boy

New Member
I'm looking into getting a sump but my lfs dosen't carry like a package withe every thing I need so can some one help me get some instructions on it. I have had a miny 29 gal. reef for a while now and just starting to think about a sump! also dose any one now any thing about the blue or yellow assessor. All I know is that Assessor is the Genus.

reef boy

New Member
Is there a reason you don't reply to new comers. I have placed two posts in the last 15 hours and known have been repled to.


Amiracle makes a small sump that comes with the overflow and a skimmer. The only thing you have to buy is a return pump and line. I have one on my 37 and it is great.


All you have to do is buy an overflow, a ten gal. tank and then run the fittings. look up DIY sump in a search engine. there are tons of plans out there. I even found DIY plans for an overflow but, i'm not that mechanical but, the sump is a piece of cake.
Good luck


I feel the same way I don't get replys to my Questions eather my spelling must be the problem but if one knows a word is spelled rong one understands what is being said right! works for me! its called insight!!!
Anyway CPR has complete sumps with everything you need I think their great try Advanced Aquatics I also have a 29gal.and I got the CMB192 is good for up to 100 gal



Originally posted by sundog:
Umm...perhaps you could be more specific with your questions.
Also, please check your spelling and grammer as your questions are a little difficult to understand.

Your not usualy that harsh sundog! He's a newcomer - give him a break. (P.S - who knows how to spell anemone - or is it anenmone, or amenome, or amnenome, ...... LOL only joking!)