sump ??


New Member
i have a 55g and would like to get rid of some of the cluter. i'd like to put a sump under the tank but i have know idea of how to start. what equipment will i need. or sould i just stick with what i got? i have a 10g and a 15g canone of these be used or are they to small?


Active Member
I'm a huge fan of using a sump, although it's not absolutely necessary in all cases.
If you want one - make one.
A 10 gallon or 15 gallon glass tank will work fine, if it will fit under the stand. That's where most folks place them.
A plastic rubbermaid container will work too.
You'll need the the actual sump itself.
You'll need an external hang on the back overflow.
You'll need a return pump.
You'll need a drain hose from the overflow to the sump.
You'll need some vinyl hose to run from the return pump up to the display tank.
You'll need pvc fittings/adaptors to hook everything up.
Some hose clamps and pvc primer & glue.
You'll need some sort of spraybar - either DIY or store bought.
A Lifereef overflow rated at 700 gph would be fine.
Their boxes come with siphon tube(s), foam filter element(s), hose clamps, and 1" vinyl tubing hosebarb.
Single prefilter/skimmer box: $89.00 bucks
A Magdrive 7 would give you around 500 gph $50.00 bucks
You already have the sump
Vinyl tubing, clamps - Home Depot or Lowes - $20.00 bucks
Spraybar - buy one $10.00 bucks or make your own - again Home Depot/Lowes $10.00 bucks or so.
That's about it for a plain ole sump system - figure between $175.00 to $200.00 bucks if DIY
If you want to add baffles to the sump, or get fancy - you can expect a little more cash needed.
Easy to build - adds water volume to the system - get's the junk out of sight - and increases circulation.
Sumps are great !
I think he means like the loc-line spraybars and you can get them several places online. I bought mine at the lfs here locally. They should not be hard to find.


Active Member
A couple LFS here in town sell them.
Black plastic. Probably part of a wet/dry kit or part.
Black plastic gizmo, hangs on edge of tank, has a black adjustable shroud with adjustable louvers .. so you can point it in different directions and such, and a 1/2" male hose barbed end.
I bought two for my 30 gallon tank.
El cheapo but work for smaller tanks.


New Member
thanks for the info i'll get all the things together and start woprking sometime today if i can get out of yard work with the old lady