Sumpless FOWLR


I want to pick your brains a little more if I could please. As some of you may have noticed I posed several different scenarios on future builds. It has been two years since my last reef (90 gallon). This time I just want to do a community tank.
Have found a couple of tanks on C-list of and on that were not drilled. My last tank was drilled with an overflow, but I really don't want to add one without drilling this tank (flooding reasons).
Here is what I was thinking: Found either a 125 or a 150 that I was condering using the lifeguard modules in a closed loop and using 2 remora pro's as HOB skimmers. Do you think I can generate enough flow through the lifeguard modules for water circulation? Is this whole scenario a terrible idea?


I think it depends on the size and amount of fish you want in that community. I ran a 125 with 2 Octopus HOB 300 skimmers and had no water issues. But I kept smaller fish and only one Tang. So if it's not a reef you're after, I say yes.


thanks happygirl, but after pricing 2 HOB skimmers and the cost of the lifeguard modules I don't think the cost savings is worth it. Plus, I would like two large tangs and possibly a snowflake eel. I think having the ability to add a larger skimmer would be better.


Why do you feel you need those Lifeguard Modules? What type of bottom were you planning on? Because enough live rock and surface skimming and a powerhead or two will be plenty of filtration. IMO.
We went with the Octopus Hang Ons for two reasons. One we had no sump. Two they operate without having to have additional pumps in the water. For a sumpless tank, it is very clean. We hid our heater in one also.


I was planning on using the lifeguard modules for a few reasons. Heater storage and UV filter were the top two. Since I was planning on using them I had decided to add a mechanical filter for occasional use.


Originally Posted by happygirl
Why do you feel you need those Lifeguard Modules? What type of bottom were you planning on? Because enough live rock and surface skimming and a powerhead or two will be plenty of filtration. IMO.
We went with the Octopus Hang Ons for two reasons. One we had no sump. Two they operate without having to have additional pumps in the water. For a sumpless tank, it is very clean. We hid our heater in one also.
What octopus HOB skimmer are you running. Also, you sayed hang ons so I assume you used 2?