sumps and skimmers


New Member
Im really trying to figure this out. Does the water from the overflow drain into the sump and then into the skimmer and then pumped back to the tank? I've been looking at sump/skimmer hook ups and there seems to be way to many pipes and valves. I would think the overflow would fill the sump, then the skimmer is attached to the sump, then from the skimmer strait up to the tank. Could someone please explain the process, what is the path of the overflow water? Thanks


I know what you are saying. When I was looking at doing my sump I was overwhelmed by the amount of info. Here is how my set-up will work. I will have an overflow that will drain into a large Rubbermade container. The sump and heater will sit in the sump. At the opposite end of the sump will be the return pump. There are a whole bunch of designs. Here are a few given to me by many people on this site. Sorry I don't remember who gave them to me.


New Member
thanks for the help with the pic:) One more question, I have two heaters, can you put both of them in the sump and nothing in the actual tank?


New Member
thanks for the reply stump, I guess I will do that. I don't want anything in my tank but fish lr and ls. But I have one more question for you all.... People suggest three power heads, can all three power head go into the sump and have three sumps return the water? Would the overflow be able to keep up with three pumps? It would minimize the clutter in the tank...


I guess you could do that. I think most people just have one return pump. It just depends on how big your overflow is and pumps are. If one pump can handle the sump return you could look into doing a closed loop system to keep the other powerhead out of the tank. Do you know what a closed loop system is?


New Member
im not really sure what a close loop system is, does it have to do with cyphing water? I understand that one pump will be enough to return the water back to the tank, i was only thinking of three to keep them out of site... of course they would be position in different part of the tank for good water movement...