Sumps, overflows and pvc


I've ordered my overflow (700 gph) and mag 9.5 (950 gph). Should the valve be located on the return to display? And as far as pvc goes is the cement okay to use or will it be toxic?


Active Member
are you talking about a shutoff valve? I'd just turn the pump off to stop the flow, but make sure you have enough room in the sump for some backflow and make sure you have a anti-syphon hole or something so half the tank doesn't go into the sump, I don't know about the PVC glue


No, a ball valve to regulate the flow back to the display. I found out that it needs to be on the return line back to the display. Now, about that pvc cement.......
Go ahead and use the pvc primer and glue. They are fine when they are dry.
You want the ball valve to be on the return line. Mine is about a foot above the pump outlet.
Many people have good results by placing a tee at that point and directing a smaller amount of water back to the sump (controlled by a ball valve). That way there is less resistance on the pump, less wear. You control the amount of water going through the return by controlling the amount that gets diverted back to the sump. Just another option.
Good Luck,