

Is the red line on the right of the sump closed in with drain holes or is that just an over flow also.
what size would you suggest for a 90g tank. I trust your answers you only answer when you know what you are talking about and I know you know about sumps.



Active Member
thanks for the confidence... the right red line is an overflow type of thing... it runs across the corner to minimize the room it takes up... it's just there so the flow coming in doesn't blow the sand around. I have a meeting to go to but I'll post a diagram in a while.
For a 90... a 40g breeder would be sweet.


heres my sump/fuge i just built out of 1/4 arcylic i have around 30g of water running through it at all times with total capacity of 50g
still stocking it up right now



Originally Posted by tinmanny
do you drain water in on two ends is that what I see neet idea

Thank Tou for the help


What is on the right side


the right side is where my skimmer, heaters, and probes are, or if i want to run carbon i have a sopt for that too. my overflow i use is the cpr 1200gph with 2-1" bulkheads. my return is 1.5 " with a custom return in my tank that directs water in all different directions with no dead spots but eventually i will add a closed loop to increase waterflow
but since i'm not using my canister filter no more my tank is not as clear, it was always crystal clear with my canister running, so i think i need to add filter pads between bubble traps which should solve that problem, i hope


the bubble traps are the dividers in my sump that help eliminated the bubbles from getting to the return so you don't have micro bubbles running through your display
but if you search the net for "melevs reef" he makes custom sumps have has all different styles on his site along with so much more infomation, thats where i got my idea for mine from and he also answered a couple questions i had before putting it all together.


That is what I thought when you said that it was across the corner that make a Lot of sense
that also looks plain and simple. with calculations the best I can do for a sump is 37 gallons I think i will do it what do you use for silacone any type or what
Thank You all

Hay did any of you read my post the one that starts our with (2 Questions)
I think Keeping Lr alive and clean wouldent be too hard do you.


Active Member
I used the silicone that the LFS sell but any would work as long as it's 100% silicone.
With the LR... buy a rubbermade tub, fill it with water, add a couple powerheads and heaters and it will be fine. If you want to maintain the coralline growth you will need to put lights above it... also if it's in there to long then feed it slightly so the bacteria colonies stay alive.


Thank You That is what I was hoping you would say. Several reasons
1 I have maby 3 lfs that are good enough to trust close enough and they are always out
2 I can pick the pcs. I want and do it at a pace so I will have the rock i need when I am ready to fill my tank Is there any time limit like 1 -3 mos too long ?