sun coral


OK.. the other day I purchased a killer looking sun coral from my LFS.. (i know these are a major pain in the ass! I just want to try them-they gave me such a good deal and i have been wanting one for quite a while..)
Anyway, after the first night they opened up and I was able to feed them (frozen brine shrimp).. over the next few days I am experimenting with different methods.. My question is this.. In your experience how often do you need to feed them? my LFS said every other day, and online I have seen everything from every day to 2 times a week..
My second question is this..what will the addition of this extra food do to my water? People are saying this will compromise my water quality? any ideas on safe amounts? its a 12 gal..
thanks in advance everyone!


New Member
I have a sun coral that has been with me for approx 1 yr, it even spawned some babies 2 months ago that are now everywhere in my tank, including my filter system. Anyway, I feed mine Cyclopeeze enriched with Selcon at least 1X per week, sometimes 2X. I also have a chili coral in the same tank, that has been in there for the same time frame. He gets fed the same food on the same schedule. These are in a Eclipse 12, that also houses my 2 seahorses, which are fed daily, mysis with Selcon. I do 3 gal water change weekly and have had no water quality issues. The babies that have spawned from the parend sun coral I do not hand feed and they are growing quite well.
Just My experience
Amy L. Cone


Just curious what lighting do you have on your tank. More specifically what is appropriate lighting for this coral?


Active Member
No lighting is necessary, sun corals are not photosynthetic and actually prefer the shade. Their inability to process light to make their own food is why they need to be spot fed.


Active Member
I have mine the bright light and he will open during the day when I feed and again at night when the lights go out. I feed them peices of meat around once a week or so they are doing really well.


New Member
Viper is quite correct what he said of the lighting requirements for sun corals. Some of my little babies that are in the filter recieve NO light at all. They just open up when they sense the food in the water.
Amy L. Cone


a bit late on my end but thanks for the replies... I think mine is doing ok, but its way to early to tell yet.. I have gotten it to eat though!