sun coral


Active Member
Originally Posted by oceana
depending on size that maybe good. one around softball size like the one i have in the above pick cost around 60 average around here
They have one about that size for $80. These frags are more like the size of a handball. How should i acclimate it? drip or temp?


just picked up a frag tonight!
have been in the tank for maybe an hour and have already opened,off to find a cup
oh! about the size of a tennis ball, elongated for $40


Active Member
oceana, i have an lfs as well taht has it...and so they had a smaller one the size of a baseball maybe...maybe a bit smaller...then one a little bigger than a softball....but there are no tenticles out at do you know if it is healthy when you get it?


Anyone have a Black Sun Coral? I got one last weekend. It came out first night! I fed him the first 3 nights and now plan to go to every other night. I tried Cyclop-ease and Mysid Shrimp. I think it may prefer the Cyclop, since it is a more managable size. I will take some pictures and post.


Active Member
Originally Posted by PhoenixFla
Anyone have a Black Sun Coral? I got one last weekend. It came out first night! I fed him the first 3 nights and now plan to go to every other night. I tried Cyclop-ease and Mysid Shrimp. I think it may prefer the Cyclop, since it is a more managable size. I will take some pictures and post.

nope no black ones for me. for whatever reason I have never been a fan.
i did almost by one at one time that was orange yellow and black all in one piece all mixed together. veyr cool but it was gone by the time i decided i wanted it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by PhoenixFla
Anyone have a Black Sun Coral? I got one last weekend. It came out first night! I fed him the first 3 nights and now plan to go to every other night. I tried Cyclop-ease and Mysid Shrimp. I think it may prefer the Cyclop, since it is a more managable size. I will take some pictures and post.

Hey I just saw one online and was thinking of looking into it. Can you post a picture of yours? I do like the colorful ones, but this one jumped at me because it is so different.


First off, I am no expert like alot of the others here, but here is my experience. I have had my sunny for a few months now and he is doing great. Someone asked if they spread, I have not noticed this yet, but I have tons of new little polyps coming up beetween the ones that are already there. My colony is about the size of billiards ball. I did my research going in however and was ready for the special accomadations my new buddy would bring. Here is what I have been doing. I feed him every other day, religiously, and I rotate what I feed him. He enjoys his cyclopeeze, buy LOVES mysis shrimp. The polyps actually play tug of war over them! On ocassion I feed him live brine shrimp also which he devours. Most of the time I actually pick him up and put him in my hang in refugium, then use a syringe to feed the individual heads. The reason is that it keeps the crabs and other critters away, and secondly he is easier to reach that way and I can ensure everybody gets fed. Mine doesn't particularly like the bright lights so I usually feed him at night when only my actincs are on. I have found that he seems to know that he is about to be fed and now opens up wide every night about an hour before the lights go out. As far as placement I have him in a bit of a cave area under an overhang. I am sure there are better ways to handle these guys, but so far mine seems to be doing great and loving life. Here are two pics, one is when I first got him in Nov. and the second is tonight, he is waiting to be fed! lol You can see how he has grown, or at least I think he has.



No, frozen mysis, but he does get live brine. While he is in the refugium, they don't really have anywhere to go but into the sunny's little hungry mouths! lol Another reason I like feeding him in this way.


Oh, and to answer your second question, his little tentacles are sticky. If anything touches them they are stuck!


Active Member
There was some talk about a black sun coral eariler. Any chance we can see a picture? The pictures of the one sold by this site don't show them with their tentacles out...


I would love to see the black one also. The LFS had a couple several months ago, but they never opened up when I was in there.


Active Member
the polyps are a deep blackish purple in color. almost black but have a hint of purple to them. as i said before not very nice IMO
SOMETIMES they can have a nice greenish skirt and mouth but not all will look this way.
here is a pic of one at what i feel is the best they can be


i was not sure if i was going to get one before but now reading this board im differently getting one there alsome looking.


this is as open as I have seen mine. I have had him for a week(about) how can I get him open to feed him?


Again, I am no expert, I can only tell you what is working for me. Your position looks very similar to where I have mine, so I wouldn't think that is your problem. You really need to get him to eat though or you are going to lose him. I would try the bottle/cup method mentioned earlier here or what I do with mine putting in the refugium on the side of my tank. Also make sure if you are just going to feed him in the tank you are shutting down your filter and powerheads for a bit so the food doesn't just get blown past him. Once he "smells" the food he should open right up for you within 5-10 minutes. Then make sure you are feeding all of the little mouths, they will open right up and say ah for you. Pretty cute. I would recommend either mysis, brine shrimp, or cyclopeeze and a syringe, that is how I do it.


I am going to put him in a tupperware in the tank and try to feed mysis with a turkey baster. do they fully open after they eat the food?