Sun Coral

ledzep fan

Active Member
Does any one have any more suggestions on corals??? I am going to start getting the corals in about a month.
The Zep

ledzep fan

Active Member
How much would he want?? I am very interested. I would like to get rather a small one from him so that i could put a cup over it for feeding. Thanks!
The Zep


i actually got a sun coral today. Why do they call it a sun coral if it dosent like alot of light? kinda weird dont you think?
anyways i was looking to see what everyone on here feeds there sun corals. i know its somewhat more difficult but what is the best thing?


Originally Posted by sufunk
What lights do you have? I dont think they need to necessarily be in shade as long as they arent under intense light. Id say you could have one in a 12g if you want to care for it. They certainly need to be fed almost daily. I use the cup method and now can get them to feed early in the evening either frozen cyclopeeze soaked in selcon and zoecon or krill ground fine. Best thing about my tank by far!!!! Cant resist showing it off

WOW!!! Nice coral. I have never seen anything like it!
I had one for six months. Fed it zoo plankton every other day, and it would open some every once in awhile. Then I got a major case of red slime. Lost the sun in the battle.


i feed mine cyclopeeze (still cant spell that) but ive learned everything from sufunk he help me alot.
this is mine took the picture yesterday. bad picture. alot more open now. got it on thursday.


Active Member
i just got a 'carnation sun coral' only a few are opening, and just little bit when i feed.
i tried squirting them with a burst of tank water mixed w/ zoo plankton.
do they not eat this stuff?
where do you guys get the cyclopeeze?
does everyone do that cup method?
mine is at the bottom of my 150g , in the sand bed. moderate VHO lighting so i think thats fine. will post pic soon.


Many LFS' have it locally...try Coral Seas Pets, also Exotic on Oakland, it comes frozen and dried, frozen is a long narrow red pouch, in the meantime use small mysis shrimp and inject polyps (with a syringe) with mysis and seawater water. They get a hardy meal that way. Just don't touch the polyps as you do this which can be difficult...that's where the cup method also comes in handy, but I'd stoppped doing it that way because my lowest polyps weren't getting fed. I have over 100 polyps on mine though. May be easier on yours.


Active Member
i tried the cup method last night, i found zoecon and zooplankton, i injected a little bit into the cup and only a few polyps opened, i fear the worst!


Saltnoob, can you get some of the frozen cyclopeeze? They have it at exotic aquatic on Oakland Park Blvd. If you mix that with some zoecon or selcon i think it will open. Id ditch the zooplankton, i dont think they can even eat it, too small. I worry just feeding cyclo so i make sure it gets mysis or krill at least 1x a week.
Does it have alot of recession? can you see rock between the polyps? Can you post a pic and ill try and help you out? Mine is doing AWESOME under my feeding routine and actually looks way better than my pic. I'm gonna get a new one up in a few days. I dont think these corals are as hard to keep as people think but they do need to be fed DAILY im my opinion, at the very least every other day.
Also, IMO, you HAVE to do the cup method or they will not get enough food.


Active Member
i will post pics tonight. there is some minor recession on about 4 polyps down nearing the underside of the rock. the main bulk of it is all pink, but it looks like there is a new group of young ones that are further off, so i dont think that part is recession. i cant get cyclopeeze unless i go out there to exotic aq. i will have to do that on the weekend.


Can you get some of the frozen cubes of mysis or krill? Mine loves that soaked in selcon or zoecon. You gotta get it eating something more than zooplankton(if its even eating that). Also, can you use the cup method in your tank? If you can, id STRONGLY suggest getting a tupperware bowl or whatever to start using to feed it. The cup is a MUST imo.
Cant wait to see the pics, im out here in the sticks of Davie,lol.
p.s.- where and when did you get it? If it was recently, ive probably seen it, lol. Im kinda a lfs junkie


Wow Emmitt, it is so fully extended,beautiful!!!! Mine doesn't open all the way like that and I thought mine was doing well. I just had an emergency water change because I had my brother feed the tank for a weekend while I was away, so now I'm just praying for survival. I'll post a picture soon of mine.


has anyone's sun coral spawned?
had a ton of polyps pop up all over the rockwork. I think the coral spawned when the return pump died, was using a small pump just for circulation till the pump was returned from the manufacturer, looked like the coral was going to die, I thought it may have been from a lack of filtration, skimmming, water movement, etc. I read an article where someone was getting thier sun polyps to spawn by turning off the circulation to the tank.
around a month or so later, many of the tiny polyps have vanished, however, there are a few that are hanging in there and growing, kinda bummed that re-aranged the rock work to catch a few fish and lost track of the larger polyps, hopefully will find them , and be able to target with cyclopeeze again