Sun coral


Staff member
Just use a turkey baster and spot feed each polyp. Wait until lights are out for about an hour, when the polyps start to open up, then just turkey baste feed. Likely fish aren't going to bother the coral at this time.


Congrats on being able to feed them. Its a start. I have used the turkey basters, but I find using a syringe easier to handle and food doesn't drip out of it as easy. once they start opening up you shouldn't need to ground up the brine. The brine may look a bit big, but believe me you would be amazed at how much SC can eat. Just continue what is working for about a week or more and they should start to do better.


yup. its amazing how much they eat. my SC eats a whole block of mysis in a couple of minutes. They almost eat more than my fish, lol.


Active Member
Originally Posted by theappe3
yup. its amazing how much they eat. my SC eats a whole block of mysis in a couple of minutes. They almost eat more than my fish, lol.
Yup. My sun coral surprised me with its appetite.
Even more surprising, though, was how strong its sting is! I have a very territorial GSM clown in my tank who likes to dislodge any frag he can that is too close to his invisible border. He managed to knock my small colony of blastos and a monti frag right onto the sun coral. The sun coral completely killed the monti and wiped out about half my blasto colony


New Member
I bought a sun coral on sunday. The LFS told me to cut the bottom off a soda bottle (2 Liter) remove the cap and take a turkey baster and feed them that way. He said if I did this the same time each night it would teach the coral to open up with the lights on. I have done this for 2 nights and they have not fed yet. Tonight I gave them Zoomax and some mysis shrimp together. I have left the bottle in the water for about 1 hr. I dont know if it is going to work yet, does anyone else have any ideas.


New Member
Put in an individual small tupperware with the water from the tank, then put frozen brine shrimp in there and keep the shrimp moving, it may take a day or two, but mine wants to eat every night now. My wife is a nurse, and brought home a syringe, I removed the needle, and assach a piece of airline tubing to it, and put the tube in the tank, and keep the syringe out, usinf one hand to guide the tube and ont to push the plunger!