Sun Corals feeding tip


New Member
Just a trick I will throw out to those of you who have or have tried to keep sun corals. I kept one for over 2 years fat and sassy by feeding him weekly. I placed it in the sand a few inches from my live rock - when I fed him I took the top half of a 2 liter soda bottle (clear bottom cut off) and placed it over him then sprayed food ( brine, formula, flakes whatever) in the top and let it feed without the food getting consumed by the fish. I used a turkey baster to occasionally stir up the water in the bottle so it could keep grabing particals. He ws as big the day I traded him as the day I got him! Happy Reefing Eddy


Active Member
thats a really interesting way of aproaching feedign of corals. i might just have to tr that woith some of mine, even though i dont have a sun coral!
great advise!


New Member
Traded it because work was going to have me traveling for 3 months - my wife can feed and tend the tank but this was too much for me to put on her!