Sun Polyp Trouble!


New Member
I tried to save a sad looking sun polyp from my LFS and I don't think I am having much luck. I don't have any pictures at the moment, so I will try to describe... I have one with several branches (tubestra?) However, his branches do not have flesh on them. The branches are stony, with flesh only at the very tips. I have seen the polyps come out only a few times since I brought it home. It will not come out to eat. I have tried several different techniques. I am afraid several of the heads have already died (they look like they have receded into the tubes). Is there any hope? Any suggestions?? Thanks!

salt monger

wait till after dark... give it a teaser blast of super fine food, this should make the polyps come out within 20 min. or so... the feed, and feed it like 3 or 4 days a week... the flesh should come back slowly... aslong as the tips have flesh, there is hope


New Member
The tentacles only partially come out after dark, even when I feed them. I have tried feeding them in the tank, and also isolating them so they are exposed to more particles. I am trying mysis shrimp tonight. I have hand fed a couple of the heads and am hoping they will hold onto the pieces. Any other suggestions on how to encourage them to eat? Any foods in particular that they like? Anything I should not do?