Sunburst Anthias


New Member
Does anyone have any experience with a Sunburst Anthias? Also known as a Fathead Anthias? Scientific Name: Serranocirrhitus latus
I know they are expensive, but I need to know how hard they are to keep? How big do they get? As well as anything else you can tell me about them.


Active Member
They dont get very big but they are definately a hard anthias to keep. I had two one would not eat the other died of some kind of infection. If you can find some at your lfs make sure they look healthy and are eagerly eating and not just picking here and there.


Active Member
By the way I see you are from Muncy, I bought mine from Ron's Saltwater Heaven in Williamsport, which is also where I would recommend you by them. Even though mine did not make it, I have too many agressive feeders. They do best in a peaceful reef setting.


New Member
Thanks for the info so far. Ron's Saltwater Heaven has one in stock right now. It is very expensive. I'm still considerning getting it.