

My wife wanted one and i found one at the LFS. Ive heard they dont do so well in captivity. What does everyone here think? Any experiance? Tips? Anything helps she really loves this fish and i really want to try to keep it alive. He/She already eats mysis and spirlina brine. Ive offered VHP frozen formula 1 and 2,prime reef frozen and flake but it really loves mysis soaked in garlic. Any info helps if not thanks for readin this at least ill try to get pics in a little but my digi is so old it has a walker.
:help: :help:


Active Member
What size is the tank & what are the other inhabitants? Mysis shrimp is a good choice, you can add some Selcon & Kent marine Zoe to enrich it on a rotating basis. Just a drop, and only once or twice a week.


Yea it is kinda small less than 2.5.Tank mates are 2 ocellaris clowns, 2 clown gobys and a firefish so the tankmates arnt too brutal. I do feed the tank everytime i walk by and it east almost everytime so now i see why they say they can eat alot. Its in a 38 gal tank 36" But i do have a 100 gal but right now theres a sohal in there but in 3 -4 weeks he will be out


Active Member
people say that anthias need to be fed at least twice a day, i have had a pink square for about a year now and is doing fine on the once a day routine. however, they are supposed to be slightly more hardy. seems like you are on the right track, if you are getting rid of the sohal and moving everything to the bigger tank, that will benefit him greatly.


Im getting rid of the sohal cause hes already outgrown my 100 hes almost 5" and i dont like to see the poor guy pace its cruel. Hes going to my friends 600gal 10' tank he will love it there. I dont know what im gonna put in my tank but the sunburst might stay in my wifes tank unless it gets way too big thats y i brought it up. I really like tangs but if hers lives i wouldnt mind one or 2 in my tank. I think she also wants a pink square also do you think its compatible or is her tank to small? What about a 100?


Yea i just saw a big one today i didnt know they got that big. I think were just gonna put a purple firefish and maybe one other small goby and thats it can a purple firefish be with a regular firefish?


Active Member
well since i once wanted a sunburst ill help a lil. they need a 75g minimum, 55 bare minimum. a 100 or larger is recommended if u want to keep one male and a trio of females. i would say a 38 or w/e ur gonna keep it in would be good for a small amount of time.