Sunday 12 pack


yes I agree it does. I hoping it will start looking pretty soon. My mother-in-law has one and it is just gorgous.


Staff member
You are putting ideas into my head with your lighting configuration. I am so over having to take up that canopy every time I need work in the tank.


Beth I really think you would love it.
SammyG thanks, and I have fragged it about three months ago and it is time to do it again. It sure gets big. I love that thing. It flows so pretty in the current. Almost like fluffy feathers.:)


Beth the leather you lost was it a devlis hand? Mine shed and got very bright yellow. It was out and beautiful before it started to shed then closed up alittle finally shed but it hasn't opened all the way. Should I be concerned?


You're tank is beautiful. Did you use ro/di water in it? I would like to convert my 55g to reef but I've heard without ro/di everything will die.


I do use ro/di water. When I first got into salt water I used tap but I did have a lot of trouble with algae and everything looks so much happier now that I use ro/di. SO I have to say I'm a firm believer in it. But did get my ro/di unit on e---- and it has been great.


Do you have any problem with the blue hippo and the yellow tan getting along? I have been considering getting a small yellow, but I don't want my hippo to get the kicked around. Which did you add first?


sorry I've been out of town. The tangs get along great but I can't wait to get them in the bigger tank just so I can watch them swim around.
The big brown thing is a colt.
and #6 is a yellow devils hand as it was getting ready to shed. Now it is bright yellow.


no I don't use a chiller. Fletcher is about 20 minutes from Lawton/ft.sill or about 1 hr away from ok. city.


thank you everyone. It's nice to be home to see it again. We've been in Branson for a week and I have to admit I was alittle worried about how everything was doing. But it all looks great and test out great so I'm happy. Thanks again for the compliments.