Sunday Morning 12-Pack

yosemite sam

Active Member
My 75 gallon recently passed it's first birthday and I thought I'd share some picture of the tank. I've been really pleased with the growth and colors in a lot of my corals. There have been a few bumps along the way, including some skimmer issues over the summer that made a lot of my acros brown up. Nothing died, luckily, and things have begun to color back up. These first few shots are some general ones of the tank. It's mainly SPS corals, and I've tried to get a good diversity of colors and shapes. I began with a lot of small frags that I got locally and mixed them with some cultured colonies and a few large corals. The first few corals went in at about 3 months, and I've slowly added more over time. I tried to only ever add a few at a time and monitor calcium consumption and water chemistry. I have a calcium reactor and drip kalk through my auto-topoff, which has helped keep up with the increased consumption. In addition, my investment in a good skimmer really helped the tank take off.


yosemite sam

Active Member
Here are a few shots of my SPS corals. The first shot is of my purple and green A. austera. It was hard hit this summer, and browned up, but has made a comeback and is really coloring up now. The next two are my favorite corals in the tank, my ORA blue tort and a green and purple A. loripes. My camera doesn't capture the colors of my tank really well, unfortunatley. The last two corals are some of the fastest growers. The yellow birdsnest I got in February as a frag about 1/2" tall and has since exploded. The insignis was a small frag about 1 1/2" long and has really taken off too.


yosemite sam

Active Member
I've also tried to collect some cool zoos and ricordeas. I haven't had as much luck with finding rics here, but I really like the diversity in colors in the zoos.



Active Member
Absolutely stunning!

That's one healthy well cared for system .... great job Yosemite.


New Member
Awesome looking tank. That's what I want my new 210 to look like. What kind of lights are you running? keep up the good work!

yosemite sam

Active Member
Thanks everyone. Fez, I run two 400w 15K XM bulbs. I have toyed with the idea of adding atinics, but the summers here are so hot and humid that the chiller already has a tough time keeping up on hot days.


New Member

Originally Posted by Yosemite Sam
Thanks everyone. Fez, I run two 400w 15K XM bulbs. I have toyed with the idea of adding atinics, but the summers here are so hot and humid that the chiller already has a tough time keeping up on hot days.
Well your tank looks great Sam. What kind of skimmer are you running? How do you keep up with the calcium levels? Are you running a Calc Reactor? Just trying to get some ideas of good equipment out there to get for my tank. The way your SPS' look, that's the way I want my big ole' tank to look like. thanks

yosemite sam

Active Member
Fez, I have both a calcium reactor and a kalk reactor. My skimmer is a MyReefCreations MR-1 which does a really good job. It was well worth the money.
Fishamajig, are you part of Manhattanreefs? It's one of the local reef clubs in the city. That's where I got most of my frags. The club has a web site with the same name (I don't think I can put a link up for it since it has links to other vendors). You should check it out, there are people from all over, not just the city and folks are really nice.


I dont go to that meeting, I have gone to a couple lira meetings, (long island reef association) but find it that everytime there is a meeting there is something my wife wants me to do. I am going to have to sneak away eventuially.