Sunday night pics


Thanks, guys! I just wish I could take better pictures. I lost the book that came with my camera and I'm just snapping away not having a clue! Here's a semi-recent full tank shot.


Active Member
Dory, Hi
Your pics are fine!
You have a very nice tank. I have Chromis also. I love the way they are always out front and active. Does yours do the kissing thing alot?
Sorry to read about the CBBF. They are a very difficult fish to keep. Ive had mine for over two hears but still worry about it always. The yellow tang looks starved !!! Please feed it a lot of NORI ( the dried seeweed sheets )BTW, what lights do you run? TANKS....D.



Originally posted by Dogstar
The yellow tang looks starved !!! Please feed it a lot of NORI ( the dried seeweed sheets )

no it doesnt.. in fact it looks really good


I actually have no idea if it does or not! :notsure: I emailed a picture to my lfs to let them know he's not eating. I'm going to try some different food tomorrow. His tummy seems a little hollow to me, but I really don't know. Anyone else?!


Active Member
If you just got the YT yesterday it could just be all the stess from being in the store and the move to your tank. Hopefully it will get comfortble soon and begain to eat. It looks other wise healthy , I have 5 yellow tangs for over 2 years and I know what they should look like, I read in another one of you post what you were feeding it and you are giving it good stuff. Just keep the lights dimmed for a couple days and see if that helps. If this fish is going to live it stands a better chance in you tank than going back to store and then who knows..........Dog