Sunday Pics of a 180


First time putting up pictures, so I hope they come out okay...
Let me know what you think, thanks



Active Member
wow a trigger, betta, lion, flame all in a reef. good stuff rite there. just good to see other things going into a reef tank, that everybody always stay from..


Originally Posted by Hammerhed7
great looking tank, surprised the cleaner shrimp isnt lunch with the tusk, trigger, hawk, and lion
To be honest, I'm surprised too. It was in the tank first and is pretty big. The shrimp was always picking at my yellow polyps, so I had made up my mind I wouldn't mind losing him. They all ignored him except for the tusk, who went sniffing around when I put him in. But the shrimp assaulted him and now he never even looks his way. I will say one thing though, the shrimp does not come out from his cleaning post as much. So he doesn't pick the polyps anymore.


Originally Posted by kjr_trig
Nice to see the Pinktail in a reef.
I actually tried a Sargasium at first (I got LFS to get me one for $100) It looked great, but never would eat. I tried everything, including live shrimp, but nothing. The Pinktail eats like a hog. He eats anything, including the algae sheets I tie to the rock for tang, rabbits, and angel. I mean he really attacks it.