Sunday Tripleplay


Active Member
Originally Posted by WangoTango
2 mandarins? :joy: there must be tons for them to eat
how big is your tank?
It's a 70 gallon with about 120 pounds of live rock in the display and a 6" DSB in my fuge with a lot of rubble and chaeto. Pods galore. Weird thing is, these fish shut down at night and that's when most of the pods are active... I HOPE they are eating!


Active Member
Originally Posted by JacknJill
how come i cant see any pics? maybe because im on the laptop?


Active Member
Originally Posted by JayC
Beatiful Wax!! And neat story about the mandarins!!
Thanks. I still can't believe she was in there 5 weeks and looks as good as she does. If anything she is fatter than the one that was loose in the display all that time.


Active Member
very nice. Did you see oceanas post of his zoos? I dont know if you saw them but there were tons of them. Just wanted to let you know. If you didnt let me know and ill see if i can find them.