ortho bill
Sunpod for a 92G Corner?????
Want to buy a 92G corner tank but lighting it is an issue. Want to use a fixture with legs as opposed to hanging a pendant. Limited to 9" width and 36" length. A Sunpod , 36" 2 x 150W, seems like it would fit perfecttly. Would like to keep a clam and a Rose Anemone but that's about it for light demanding corals etc. Would the Sunpod be sufficient?
Thanks, Bill
Want to buy a 92G corner tank but lighting it is an issue. Want to use a fixture with legs as opposed to hanging a pendant. Limited to 9" width and 36" length. A Sunpod , 36" 2 x 150W, seems like it would fit perfecttly. Would like to keep a clam and a Rose Anemone but that's about it for light demanding corals etc. Would the Sunpod be sufficient?
Thanks, Bill