Sunpod for a 92G Corner?????

ortho bill

Sunpod for a 92G Corner?????
Want to buy a 92G corner tank but lighting it is an issue. Want to use a fixture with legs as opposed to hanging a pendant. Limited to 9" width and 36" length. A Sunpod , 36" 2 x 150W, seems like it would fit perfecttly. Would like to keep a clam and a Rose Anemone but that's about it for light demanding corals etc. Would the Sunpod be sufficient?
Thanks, Bill


Active Member
Mayyyybe...I'm assuming this tank is really deep, so you would want to keep them higher up in the tank if possible.


Active Member
I have that same fixture and LOVE it! Its a very nice fixture.
My tank is a 65 gal., so its 24" deep.
You'll be able to keep anything you want with that. All I have now is a Red BTA, Hammer Coral and some small Xenia frags. But I plan on eventually getting clams and a few SPS placed high in the tank.
I am considering finding a way to add a slim line T-5 bulb or two for some actinics, but the 14K MH bulbs are nice and bright. Here's a pic after I got the RBTA.