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How long have you had yours? also have you had much expense with replacing parts. We have the Satellite Power Compacts with Current right now. we have had the fixture for about 1 year and have spent more money on replacements than we did on the light. we had to replace both ballasts and all the bulbs twice
Do you think the 150w would be enough for clams?
Also do the blue lunar lights look similar to the actinics?
Bummer about the replacing parts. My tank is still cycling brand new so I can't answer about the longevity of the halides. I have an icecap retro fit and have only heard good things.
The 150w may be enough for clams if at the top of the tank by why not go with the 250w to keep anything you want ?
I'm running no actinics with 14k and love the look. Also my wallet loved that decision .
The lunar lights aren't even visable if I put them on during the day because the halides are so bright.