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While this commercial was geared for an older crowd, the NFL had an epic failure in letting this commercial and the 'enhancement' go daddy commercial be aired during the super bowl. The NFL wants to be viewed by all ages, yet they let these sexual commercials be viewed during there prime time event. These commercials were far worse then the famous wardrobe malfunction from a few years ago.
While I am no prude and love watching pr0n, I dont do it anywhere near my 8 year old son. There is plenty of time for exposure to these things while he is at public school, not while he is watching the superbowl.
While I agree with you that it's not exactly appropriate for younger viewers, they showed no more than what the Benny Hill Show did that I watched growing up in the 80's. And I disagree on their target audience....they knew exactly who they were going after...MEN, young and old. Unfortunately, whether it's chips or cars, S.EX sells. Always has and always will.