super clean way to do water change?


Just got a 55 gallon to be set up for saltwater fish only. This is in my brand new office, with brand new carpeting, etc., a long way from water and drains. When I change water in my freshwater tank at home, I always manage to spill, drip, splash, etc. This would be extra bad at the office, probably more so with saltwater. Any newbie tips for a really clean, dry, water change regimen? Thanks.


Active Member
The easiest way I have found is to get a very cheap powerhead and attach vinyl tubing to the output end. Put the powerhead in the tank and the tube in a bucket. After you take out the water you need, put the powerhead in the bucket of new water and pump it back in the tank. Once the level is too low for the PH to suck up, pour the rest in the tank.


easy way is to just go to walmart or home depot, to the paint section, and get a cheap roll of plastic drop cloth, its only a couple of bucks... roll it out to do the change... roll it up and store under the tank when youre done...
but that powerhead idea is friggin genius!! i'm throwing my siphon out right now!
gawd i love this board!!


heck yes!!! Why didn't i ever think of that??? My hardwood floor is ruined where my tank is... it's ok cause i plan on getting a new one anyway, but that's a great idea for when i do!!! I LOVE THIS BOARD TOOO!!!


Originally Posted by airforceb2
The easiest way I have found is to get a very cheap powerhead and attach vinyl tubing to the output end. Put the powerhead in the tank and the tube in a bucket. After you take out the water you need, put the powerhead in the bucket of new water and pump it back in the tank. Once the level is too low for the PH to suck up, pour the rest in the tank.
That is a great suggestion. Combined with plastic on the floor, I should be ok. Going to need a big bucket, or maybe a 5 gallon water bottle (like a water cooler bottle), I suppose.


Active Member
I use the water cooler jugs. I have 4. I take out 10 gal, and replace with 10 gal, this way, i am sure of the amount.


Active Member
If you have a way to get to a sink, then a python system would work also for draining water out of the tank, I also use the powerhead to refill.

robert dri

Is it not necessary to vacume your substrate with every water change? My tank is still cycling, so I haven't performed my first change.


I use the powerhead method, but if the powerhead is too weak or the tube is too far from the tank it wont work. Also make sure the outgoing vinyl tube is secure in the tank when filling or that puppy will be on the floor.


Active Member
I don't recommend a saltwater tank around any sort of expensive flooring or furniture. Saltwater is extremely corrosive.
Also...are you using a siphon to change your water? It works great. You just use a hose and siphon it with your mouth into a bucket.