Super New...Super Skimmer!


$15 in gas....where are you comming from? Anyway, this thing is sooooooo new, you could just pay the extra 25-60 and get it from the LFS. I have seen this skimmer in the LFS for $160.00. You tell me who is getting the deal.


Active Member
I only paid $84.90 for mine with a flat $6.50 S & H........but still at $75 its a deal........odds are in your favor you'll still get the benefit of a years warranty without a hassle if it ever come to that from Coralife.


Originally Posted by chipmaker
I only paid $84.90 for mine with a flat $6.50 S & H........but still at $75 its a deal........odds are in your favor you'll still get the benefit of a years warranty without a hassle if it ever come to that from Coralife.
Thanks Chipmaker!