Super Newbie ? about Frozen Foods


I have a 46 Gal Bow with 2 O.Clowns, 1 Flame Angel, 1 Royal Gramma and 3 Blue/Green Chromis.
I've been feeding a Combo of Formula One and Two Flakes and Hikari Marine S Pellets and Frozen Mysis and Brine Shrimp...I also have some of Red Flaky Cycopleeze? (exact name eludes me right now) that I toss in a little every once in a while. All of my fish (and Pep. Shrimp, Blue/Red Leg Hermits, Emerald Crabs) seem to all eat this variety fairly well.
Today I picked up a package of Frozen Pro-Reef and Formula One Cubes that I thought I would toss into the rotation as well.... My question is about how to feed these... I tried to "disolve" the Pro-Reef Cube in Tank Water like I do the Mysis and Brine Shrimp, and it didn't really seem to fall apart in the water like the other frozen stuff I've Done... do I need to blend or chop these other types of frozen cubes up before they go in?
Thanks for the help...
After 6+ months, you think I'd figure out these newbie things, but I guess not...


Active Member
i've always just melted them a day in advance in a cup of tankwater in the fridge. they'll still stick together, but the temp is the important thing. fish'll tear them apart. a baster will usually tear it apart when you shoot it out also if you're doing specific individual feeding.


Active Member
I was using formula 1 and 2 frozen , but i switched over to Marine Cuisine for that very reason. Try the Marine Cuisine and Emerald Entree and I think youll be happy. Formula 1 and 2 are a pain unless your using a baster like stated above but even then it clogs the baster. Marine Cuisine stays chunky but still breaks apart easy


Active Member
I found the best way to feed any fronzen food is to simply take a piece o fit, and use a long handled tweezers or forcepts to hold it. Place in tank and swish it around so it disolves and allowsparticles of it to float off......continue swishing it around until you get sufficiient flood pieces floating in the tank for a meal. The minute small particles are great for food for corals and really nothing is wasted, and it takes no time up thawing it. As long as your using ro or rodi water, and you do whater changes there is not going to be any buildup of phosphates that are going to create cyano outbreaks etc....Matter of fact all my algae outbreaks dissapeared when I started to feed strictly frozen foods in this manner.....and my corals and fish look fantastic.
I do not buy any frozen foods that use a gel or binder to hold them together. SFB and Sally and some others do not use a gel binder.


I use the marine combo for my 46. I use the saltwater 4-pack that contains marine cuisine, emerald entree, omega 3 brine, and squid. I cut off 1/3 or 1/4 of a cube and let it thaw very slightly and then toss it in the tank. Every thing breaks up quite nicely with the circulation (with the excpetion of the squid which i thaw for a little longer). I rote through the 4 pack giving a different type of frozen each day. I also feed once daily with flake food.


I have been using the marine combo as well and I just cut off a chunk of either marine cusine or emerald entree, however much I need, then I dice it up while still frozen. I have a tiny cup by the tank and I just grab a tablespoon of tank water, swish it around to make sure everything is broken up and then in it goes. Works great in the morning when I don't have a lot of time to wait for a big hunk of frozen food to thaw because the diced peices soften almost instantly. I alternate this with formula 1 & 2 flake in the evenings.


Thanks for all the tips... I'll see what I can do, or maybe try the other types suggested...
I appericate the help!