Superbowl CRAP GAME


Originally Posted by crimzy
Just a couple points on this issue... and I should say that I'm not a huge fan of either team.
First, the offensive pass interference was a legitimate call... the receiver clearly used his arms to push the defender away and create space. Even if you think it was minor, or a ticky tack call, you can't argue that the ref. could call what he saw clearly.
Second, whether you think the td was in or not, there was not enough evidence to overturn the call on the field. The presumption goes to that call and it was close enough to let the call stand. Just the fact that some think the ball broke the line and some disagree shows that the call was unclear either way. Some would have been unhappy regardless of which way the play was called.
Finally, there would be no crying about the officiating if the seahawks made some plays... they blew it at the end of the half, they missed field goals, dropped balls and couldn't stop Pittsburgh's big plays. Pittsburgh deserved this win.
That sums it up...........


Who is this rothenberg fellow that keeps getting talked about?
I've never heard of him and I watched the entire game.
Anyways, I'm glad the Steelers won because Hines Ward is a great player.
Plus, the Seahawks have such terrible uniforms so they deserve to lose.
Only bad call was Hasselbeck's personal foul for trying to tackle the guy following an interception.
The offensive interference call negating the Hawks first TD, was clearly a push off, the ref just waitied too long to throw the flag so it looked bad.
Ben barely crossed the plain, but the ball did cross it so that's a touchdown.
Not a great game, but the best team won.
Still waiting to see the police reports to see how many people were robbed during their stay in lovely Detroit.


Active Member
OK well give the hawks the TD on the interference call and take away the Roethlisberger TD and give them a fieldgoal. Still eight pts swing Hawks still would have lost. Time of possession wouldn't have change b/c the results were kick-offs either way.
If the hawks would have done something with the ball while they had a great advantage in TOP........
If the DBs actually looked for the ball on the 49 yard scramble and the insueing wounded duck that was thrown up for grabs.........
If the Hawks were better prepared for the "trick play" that EVERYBODY THAT WATCHES FOOTBALL knew was coming...........
Yes, pushing off does happen and it rarly gets called but it is not allowed, it is offensive pass interference. If its right in front of the ref, in the end zone, in the SB and it is the ONLY reason you catch the ball it will be called. It was NOT incidental contact!
If Steve Young says its legal he is wrong. Now if he said it was a no call or shouldn't have been called b/c it happens all the time, then thats his opinion not the rules of the game.
And if the refs were so against the Seahawks then why did they revearse the Hasselbeck fumble. It was called a fumble on the field?
Trust me I'm not a Steelers fan (I grew up in Philly).


Originally Posted by Whitey
Who is this rothenberg fellow that keeps getting talked about?
I've never heard of him and I watched the entire game.
Big Ben Roethlisberger is the QB for the Pittsburgh Steelers - he was a rookie last year and has now brought the Steelers to Superbowl Champions in his second year of play!


Originally Posted by TurningTim
OK well give the hawks the TD on the interference call and take away the Roethlisberger TD and give them a fieldgoal. Still eight pts swing Hawks still would have lost. Time of possession wouldn't have change b/c the results were kick-offs either way.
If the hawks would have done something with the ball while they had a great advantage in TOP........
If the DBs actually looked for the ball on the 49 yard scramble and the insueing wounded duck that was thrown up for grabs.........
If the Hawks were better prepared for the "trick play" that EVERYBODY THAT WATCHES FOOTBALL knew was coming...........
Yes, pushing off does happen and it rarly gets called but it is not allowed, it is offensive pass interference. If its right in front of the ref, in the end zone, in the SB and it is the ONLY reason you catch the ball it will be called. It was NOT incidental contact!
If Steve Young says its legal he is wrong. Now if he said it was a no call or shouldn't have been called b/c it happens all the time, then thats his opinion not the rules of the game.
And if the refs were so against the Seahawks then why did they revearse the Hasselbeck fumble. It was called a fumble on the field?
Trust me I'm not a Steelers fan (I grew up in Philly).
why? bc it was not a fumble and it clearly showed, but the interference call was just idiotic and you cant think of it like that, they were game changing plays that would have put the seahawks up in spirit and who knows what could have happend after that, on paper the hawks won, in real life the steelers won.


Originally Posted by NW2SLTFSH
Big Ben Roethlisberger is the QB for the Pittsburgh Steelers - he was a rookie last year and has now brought the Steelers to Superbowl Champions in his second year of play!



Originally Posted by grapefruit
, on paper the hawks won, in real life the steelers won.

I read the paper this morning and even on that paper the Steelers won.
Move on.


Active Member
I forgot this one earlier --- ***) ***) ***)
a good pep talk coulda put the hawks in better spirit whats the point?


Originally Posted by Whitey
I read the paper this morning and even on that paper the Steelers won.
Move on.
i have also read in the papers that the hawks were robbed! i dont even like either team but would of liked the hawks to win it.


Active Member
If you don't have the mental toughness to overcome a couple bad calls that took only 20 seconds out of a 60 min game. Which happens to be the biggest game of your life and wouldn't have changed the TOP either way, well i guess............
I don't think that this was the problem at all.........
They just didn't make the plays nessasary to win and I'm sure you ask the Seahawks they would agree!


Active Member
Just an FYI concerning Big Ben's TD... the ball or any part of it doesn't have to be across the goal line. if any part of it is on the goal line it's a touchdown.


Active Member
Cower Bettis and the steelers wanted it more and it showed , Hasselback couldnt get a second in the back field to find an open reciever , and Clock managment was down right horrible , it was a matter of who is the better coach , all in all Cower had his team prepared for this game , Holmgrem didnt Watching sports and being a Cowboys , Kings and Resox fan I have learned to live with bad calls they are a part of the game......... but you have to be able to play through those , i dont think they shouldve over turned that fumble in the fourth hassel back was allready on his way down ....... the steelers got a couple of bad calls also ..... The steelers deserved it , they beet all thge tough teams on the road and won 7 in a row they beat the bengals , Man handeled the Colts and then man handleled the broncos , you deserve it when you take out the three toughest teams in the league ............ shawn alexander needs to start worrying about what best for the team rather than doctoring his stats and risking injury when your allready up by 21


Active Member
It doesn't matter 'cause the IGGLES are gonna win next year!

:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: < Iggles chearleaders


Active Member
What does the price of corn have to do with who is going to win the Super Bowl?
Ya know, Buck an ear.


Active Member
HAHA,, All you people stop hatin cause the P.A team won!!! We only have the best in P.A!!! Puffer do you know what a football is?


Originally Posted by psusocr1
HAHA,, All you people stop hatin cause the P.A team won!!! We only have the best in P.A!!! Puffer do you know what a football is?
pretty funny considering the dolphins are the only team in the history of the nfl to have an unbeaten season not to mention the best players come from the state of florida and california to and texas in a close third, so i think i know what a football is.


Active Member
noo puff puff....
you know what "google" is and you know how to use it! now thats a FACT not an OPINION


Originally Posted by psusocr1
noo puff puff....
you know what "google" is and you know how to use it! now thats a FACT not an OPINION

dont get it, but it seems kinda nasty.