supplementing my ro/di water ??


New Member
am planning to buy a ro/di unit,,but in the meantime i am buying di water from my lfs..
my question is ,,should i supplement my di water before i mix the salt??,,or is it ok to use as it is ?? and if i do need to add,,,what should i add ??


Active Member
There isnt any need to suppliment your di water...if you are adding anything to your tank, just do it as normal.


New Member
'cuz i was wondering if i needed an additive like RO Right,or something like that to add the good things that a ro/di unit takes out


Do NOT put anything like RO right in the water. That's only for freshwater. If you are changing the water, your salt mix will replace everything. If just topping off, then everything you need is already in your tank. Only the H20 evaporated, nothing else.