Supplements for Emerald Crabs?


Originally Posted by renogaw
have you EVER used copper in your tank?
iodine helps with molting, and if it is a new crab, then sometimes they have an early molt. but, since you do water changes every week, then your salt mix should have some iodine in it.
i sorta disagree with "don't feed your clean up crew". my tank is virtually algae and detritus free as far as i can tell. i don't see anything wrong with giving my bigger crabs something to munch on when i feed my anenomes silversides, and when i feed my sun coral i always squirt some food onto the sand for the hermits/nass snails.
No, I do not use Copper and I test monthly for it just in case though I don't even use tap water. But I test just in case the RO Salt water I get from the LFS has Copper in it. Results are always 0.
I used to use Purple up but my Calcium was up to 600 ppm so I decided to stop. I do add Iodine to the tank as a separate supplement about twice a month. Same with Strontium and Molybdenum.


Active Member
I think it has something to do with the water. why is your cal. still up to 500. You want it around 420. Do you add supplements to your water. Have you tested your water before you add it to your tank?
You may also just try scoping out your tank at night to see if anything unwanted is going on.
How do you acclimate these inverts?
Just trying to brainstorm.