You're right. You're not going to get into an argument about it... because you are simple incorrect. Barracuda's do not get 10 feet long. No where near that.
World's record on hook andline is 5.5 feet long. Maximum length is reported to just over 6 feet. If there were 8 and 10 footers out there (which you've claimed to have seen both), I think it would have been reported by others as well.
read here
Anyway, the point isn't to argue about it. The point is fish "seem" a lot bigger than they really are. Just like the ole fishing tales... I swear! It was <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<THIS BIG>>>>>>>>>>>>>!!
I saw a 400lb grouper once while diving!! turned out to be about a 150 pounder after an local expert looked at the pictures we had of it.
Really is sad to hear about a LFS having one held captive though.
I have a unique story about a barracuda. The absolute very first time I went salt water fishing... my VERY FIRST Cast.... I caught a 3lb barracude! What a fish! My first impression was "WOW! Where have I been! Why havn't I been fishing salt water my whole life!" ...didn't catch nothing the rest of the day. LOL. It's the honest truth.