sure flow 1600 mod


yea i cant figure out where to place PH's and return to make it so my sand doesnt slide from flow.. i give up ill just live with moving sand lol


Active Member
Originally Posted by MikeGray
i just got the 2 sureflows for my tank one on each side pointed right at eachother
Try and have them in the back corners aiming at the front glass, rather than on the sides pointed at each other.


Originally Posted by GatorWPB
Try and have them in the back corners aiming at the front glass, rather than on the sides pointed at each other.
How would you attach them to the corners?? I have sand dunes forming in my 75g tank.


Active Member
he doesn't mean physically on the corner. he means on 1 of the 2 panes of glass making up the corner. aiming on approx a 45deg angle towards the front glass


Originally Posted by Isistius
he doesn't mean physically on the corner. he means on 1 of the 2 panes of glass making up the corner. aiming on approx a 45deg angle towards the front glass
That's fine, but my mod takes away the angling ability. Is there a way to make a holder for the corner?
Also, using magnets to hold the modded powerhead is causing alot of noise. How do you guys use magnets to hold powerheads??


Active Member
the noise should quite down w/in a week or so, as slime builds up on the workings.
the sureflow mount, if im not mistaking, has an adjustable positioning system, so you can aim it where you want


hey jeff, my tank cycling process lol. Nitrite is 0 if not close..... if i stare at the vial long enough i start to see a tint of color i think cause im looking too hard lol... but get this its funny, the nitrate is like 100 LOL... chromis are still alive POOR guys!!!!! im making 40gallon water change right now.. by the time its full in morning and a few days mixing slowly to get 1.025 and do a change... should i do 20g wait 2 days another 20 or should i do a instant 40.. im worried that wont bring the nitrate where it should be and ill have to buy another bucket of salt LOL. to do more... is this normal for the end cycle.. nitrate being real real high?


Active Member
you're almost there. once the nitrites hit 0, do the 40 gal change. then retest your trates. should drop waaaaaaaay down. then you can do another small one within a week or so, and the trates should be almost nothing. many will say that anything below 20 is acceptable. the lower you can get them the better off you'll be. you'll need the salt anyways for future water changes, so if you have the $ get it, and get the big buckets. much more economical. certain places online like the drs site, offeres flat rate shipping. so for the big bucket, the shipping is only $10 or so. well worth it

good luck and let me know. also, don't rush into any corals. let the tank stabilize for a few months.


yea its just the waiting they only sell big buckets of IO is that good whats CA and ALK on those buckets..otherwise ill have to keep ordering salt lol. my regular reef crystals.. but ok yea im making 40g now... ill do that and then do another..... k ill get all my fish before any corals then.. i was gonna do a water change and get the 2 clowns and lawnmower... then wait for a week or 2. and get my flame and blue hippo. then wait 2 weeks. and get my sixline and yellow tang. but i kinda wanted coral before flame so i dont have him in first and he just inhales every coral that goes in after him lol


yea ill get it always get rid of it.... thats the order im getting my fish and then once there in and good... ill start going off on the coral ahah.


Active Member
sounds like a good plan. but don't rush it!!!!!!!! the key is SLOWLY, and don't worry about monitoring the alk, ca, and mg until you start putting corals in there, and not even soo much with softies either.


i was told to get most aggressive last.. so does that order sound about right? what about shrimp wait with corals?
also im starting to get a little bit of green algae.. zero brown wat so ever but a tiny patch of fuzzy green and a few rocks have a little green tint.. but im suprised i dont have more.... like last time.
its sprouting the hair algae. well its not hella long but its green and fuzzy lol some strandes half inch maybe


Active Member
yes with the most aggressive last. i have several shrimp in mith my corals. before you get fish, you might want to think about a nice big clean up crew. especially if your're seeing algae. and most likely, you will see a diatom (brown algae) bloom soon. but within a few weeks that will all die off.


lawnmower and 30 astrea snails, 10 mexican turbo. 10 emerald crabs and 2 sallys wanna make sure algae and crap is eating constantly? sound good or bad? missing any important eater?
and ill have blue hippo and tellow and flame angel so im guessing they will pick algae also.. i dont wanna starve anyone?
maybe nassarias snails as well for crap and left over eating?
ur probably thinking u didnt mention hermits wtf is he doing.. man i hate those all they do is eat snails and other hermits. atleast in my past its dumb... lol


i just ordered all of them from this site.... and they dont have mexican turbos so im going to get them tomarrow around here.. but yea
30 astrea
30 nassarious
9 emerald crabs
3 sally light foot crabs
5 hermits (free) o well see what they do.


my newly mixed reef crystals with my rodi water is showing a trace of nitrates and i dunno why.. its reading like 5-10ish...... hmmm i mean thats still usable but thats gonna hurt me lol