Surface scum in Sump/fuge area


Active Member
What exactly is the pourpose iof the baffle coming down from the top at the skimmer. It looks pointless to me. Why couldnt the return pump compartment have been smaller to allow more room for a conventional bubble trap? If the baffle coming down is not doing anything remove it.If you need the baffles coming down and if there is enough agitation in the skimmer compartment then it will be broken up and distributed to the return compartment.


Active Member
Originally Posted by wattsupdoc
Its not a more flow thing. Its a gravity thing. The lower water level holds the scum in there. It cant move uphill. With the water level in the fuge being only enough for the water to run over the top of the baffle it skims whatever is floating on top, wich will be moved to the lower water level. it will collect there because it cant flow uphill. The flow is the same. Its just that your skimming the surface. Just for laughs try the lower water you can take a little out, then put it back if you dont see at least some improvement in the refugium. It's really that simple. Then a paper towel will remove it.
The filter socks not catching enough.
The lower water level in the return seems to have helped. Im actually getting pretty good movement. Thanks for the help.