Surface Skimming


My 135 gallon tank has developed what I think will become a big problem. The surface of my tank is covered with a film of floating (trash, protein, etc). My skimmer boxes don't seem to be skimming the surface, but instead pull water from just below this film. Have two skim boxes, instead of having open slots that allow for the overflow of the surface into the box, it was set up with a series of drilled holes. By some odd chance the water level falls between the row of holes (they have two rows of holes going around.) Holes appear to be 1/4". Have two LFS, which conflict each other or coarse, suggesting fixes. Any suggestions?


id take a powerhead and point it up to break the surface of the water. with 135 gallons youll probably need 2 or 3 doing this. this should kinda get rid of your film, which really is a big problem. it does not permit gas exchange between the water and air. they make surface skimmers, but i dont think you need one. just point a powerhead or 2 up to make some good waves.


Staff member
Join the club with the "tank slick" phenonma! You can break it up as suggested above; I doubt you'll get rid of it. I have this too, and have yet to figure it out....after trying different ways to get rid of it, and blaming different things, I now just ignore it.
Be interested in seeing any other opinions on this one, as, over the past yr since I've been on this BB, I've seem many hobbysts with this problem.
[ April 27, 2001: Message edited by: Beth ]


the perfect way to get ride of it is with a overflow but if your not running a sump that will be a lil more trouble. Missy


Active Member
Hey Wolffam,
Any way that you could modify the top row of 1/4" holes into slots ?
Without actually seeing what setup you have for an overflow, I'm assuming you have an overflow to a sump.
Would it be possible to shut down for a short time, remove the inner overflow box, and make some small cuts with a coping saw on the acrylic box. Sort of make 2 short cuts from the top of the box on each hole, or every other hole for that matter.
Turn them into slots.
Just an idea :)


New Member
I am not sure if this will have the desired effect. The bottom row of holes are adequate to return the amount of water you a pumping back from the filter. If you open the return valves more so that the bottom holes are insufficient to drain the water, then the water level in the tank would rise to the second set of holes. At this point you would be skimming surface water.
You might be able to do the same thing by blocking some to the bottom holes so that the water has to rise to the second set of holes.


Active Member
There is a way to prevent the surface slick.
Wash your hands everytime(skin oils)
Dont use prepared foods(they contain oils)
These have worked for me, so I dont have a slick, IMHO.