Surgery Sucks!


Being a medical professional makes everything just written seem like a piece of cake.....
On my end of things, you know everything that will happen and everything that CAN go wrong so.....
I had EMERGENCY surgery in September and I was giving orders all the way into the OR. I was more scared of them putting in a catheter (for your urine) and putting the ET tube (for breathing) down my throat (and possibly breaking my teeth) than anything else :yes:
Go figure :thinking:
It did suck though... and I even had the best surgeon!


Active Member
I will agree that surgery isn't a lot of fun, but I wouldn't say it sucks when you concider the alternative. You want that heart surgery or do you want to die? Hmmm.... let me think about that one.:D :joy: :rolleyes:


Active Member

Originally posted by FlyDan
I will agree that surgery isn't a lot of fun, but I wouldn't say it sucks when you concider the alternative. You want that heart surgery or do you want to die? Hmmm.... let me think about that one.:D :joy: :rolleyes:

I had the sleep apnea surgery - removed my Uvula, Tonsils, part of my soft palate and they worked on the tubinates in my nose. I now only snore when my head is completely stuffed ....
Took three weeks to recover and I could not eat for over 3 weeks .... but it was worth it!


Active Member
OA- did you get that done in KC? my husband snores so loud he can wake me up from a dead sleep, in another room! His dad is on c-pap for sleep apnea and I was looking for a dr. to send my hubby to. send me an email or a pm on fishheads if you have the name of a good Dr.


I had carpal tunnel surgery and it was a piece of cake! I was able to just have local anesthesia, and it was over in about 20 min. and I left the hospital within the hour. I was able to use my hand a little within 2 days and was back to normal in about 1 week. definatilty beats being knocked out.

tony detroit

Active Member
KittyKitty-I had all 4 wisdom teeth done on one day, without being put under, it wasn't that bad. Nothing you can't make it through easily. The vike's I didn't even need. Just some Jello for days 2 and 3.